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Washing hair on a day to day basis will make it dry, devoid of the natural oils and may even damage your hair. Wash your hair either alternative or twice a week.
Do not use shampoos which contain chemicals like sulfates and preservatives like parables which can cause irritation and eye problems.
Use shampoo as per your hair type. For curly or coarse hair, use a frizz-minimizing and softening shampoo.
Use shampoo as per your hair type. For straight or oily hair, use a gentle shampoo designed for daily washing. For colored or treated hair, use a shampoo which is rich in extract or amino acids because treated hair equals to damage ones.
Use a good quality hair care product or a natural conditioner every time you wash your hair. It will keep your hair healthy, soft and moisturized. Rinsing your hair with vinegar before washing will make it look shinier and cleaner, and also it will treat the dandruff.
To moisturize your hair, apply almond, castor, olive, coconut and lavender oil in a mixed proportion 4-5 hours prior to washing your hair. After every wash, let your hair dry naturally.
Use a tooth comb to brush out the tangles while the hair is still wet as brushing it will weaken the hair from the roots and make it brittle. Avoid using a blow-dryer to wet your hair as healthy hair does not respond well to heat. In case it is important to use it, minimize the temperature and limit the usage to once a week.
Although brushing your hair stimulates the follicles which promote growth, too much brushing can cause damage to the strands which results in frizz and split ends. The best way to get rid of the split ends is to trim your hair every 6-8 weeks.
Do not perm, crimp, straighten, curl, and bleach or repeatedly colour  your hair if possible. Although doing it occasionally does not cause too much harm. Include foods which are rich in lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables to maintain your hair's health.
Avoid rubbing your hair dry and also avoid combing wet hair. Your hair is more susceptible to breakage when wet and the result will be a clump in your brush and stray strands at your feet. Always try to protect your hair from sunlight and dust.


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