Simple Ways to Control Dandruff

Winter is coming! It is the time of the year where your dreaded hair problem makes snowfall possible even in a tropical country like ours. Is there a solution to this itchy devil on your head? Here are 5 simple ways to manage dandruff.

1. Washing your scalp
Dandruff tends to accumulate on your scalp and cause itching if you don't wash your hair regularly. Those with severe dandruff will need to wash their hair daily or on alternate days to reduce the build up of flakes on your scalp.

2. Choosing a suitable shampoo
There are several anti-dandruff shampoos available. Most of them contain an anti-fungal called zinc-pyrithione or ZPTO. It reduces the fungus on the scalp known as Malasezzia. Malasezzia over growth is thought to be one of the major causes of dandruff. If it is not controlled by anti dandruff shampoos available in your supermarket, you can visit a nearby dermatologist who will be able to prescribe medicated anti dandruff shampoos. Use anti dandruff shampoos to wash only your scalp as it can make your hair dry and frizzy. To keep your hair soft you can use a conditioner or a soft shampoo with conditioner after you have washed your scalp with anti dandruff shampoos.

3. Pre-wash and Post wash care
In case you have mild dandruff, using lemon juice, guava leaf extract, gooseberry juice etc. on your scalp before a head wash may help. In more severe cases anti dandruff oils maybe used the night before wash. A dermatologist will be able to prescribe overnight lotions containing anti dandruff medicines or anti dandruff oils which works better than shampoos alone. A lot of people have the habit of oiling the hair after bath. this can be counter productive as oil application can increase dandruff.

4. Adequate sun exposure
Sunlight is the best natural remedy for dandruff. Visiting a sunny area like a beach for your winter vacation is a good idea. Shaving the head if feasible is also a good way to naturally control dandruff. This increases sun exposure on your scalp and reduces dandruff.

5. Ruling out other diseases
Skin diseases like scalp psoriasis and discoid lupus erythematosus can cause flaking of the skin that looks like dandruff. In such cases a dermatologist will be able to identify the condition and treat it appropriately. Flakes due to psoriasis tend to be thicker and dry. They occur in the same place on the scalp unlike dandruff which can be present on different areas of the scalp each day.

Scalp psoriasis
So leave your itch behind and enjoy your winter free from dandruff.


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