Remember These 8 Habits to Have a Healthy and Glowing Skin | Best Skin Treatment in Bhubaneswar
1. WashUp It is important to keep your skin clean with simple washing up of exposed parts of the body a few times a day. However, never over-do it and never scrub your skin. Skin is a delicate organ and needs gentle cleansing. Use soaps and cleansers which are mild and do not leave your skin feeling dry. 2. Moisturize You can never over-do this. Do not count the number of times you apply a moisturizer, the idea is to keep your skin healthy and soft. There is only one rule in moisturizers: Do not use oil. Oils do not act the same way moisturizing creams do. Also, all reputed brands of moisturizers are safe and there is no substantial difference between expensive and in-expensive moisturizing creams. 3. SunProtection Exposure to moderate sunlight has its health benefits; however, prolonged exposure can cause substantial damage to the skin. Remember to always protect yourself adequately when going out in the sun. Always wear sunscreen when going out into the sun as it guar...